Sunday, May 19, 2024

Perseverance is Important

Must Read

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.Even beyond passion and planning, perseverance is the critical element that every entrepreneur must possess. Starting a business is hard work, and you need to have that special something to give you back the spark when your energy is flagging and it seems like there’s a setback at every turn.

From Kristin Marquet , President of the public relations company Marquet Communications, here’s why perseverance is important for startup entrepreneurs:

Self-employment is not easy; it takes a lot of risk and resiliency. You have to be willing to adapt to the economy.

Self-employment takes such a huge time commitment that can range anywhere from 25 hours a week for a freelance business to 70 hours a week for a fulltime business.

It may take many sleepless nights to get the business off the ground in the beginning. Patience and persevere are what bring success. Once you get it though, all the hours you put in, make it worth while.

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  1. Tenacity, that’s what it is to survive and succeed. I agree that there will countless sleepless nights because your mind will be full of plans and ideas about what to do the next day to run the new business. But, once the business runs and everything set in place, everything will be somewhat routine thereby giving you new time to think about new plans. –

  2. Thanks for the heads up. But I can’t replicate the error you are saying. I have Opera as well and the site looks as it should be for this browser.

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