Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Come Up with a Great Business Idea

Must Read

After you made the decision that you want to start a business, the next question is: What will you sell? What great business idea should you start? You need to know what you will do to make your money.

Starting a business is an exciting venture, but finding that perfect business idea can be quite perplexing. In fact, choosing what business to start is one of the toughest decisions you will make. 

>> READ: 14 Most Profitable Businesses to Start in 2024

It’s like trying to solve a complex puzzle where every piece needs to fit just right. Where you can find a business that will really pay off? What type of business can give you the returns you want? What are the best ventures that you can pursue today given your likes and dislikes, skills and resources?

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of coming up with a great business idea, step by step.

Ryan Allis, in his book Zero to One Million: How I Built A Company to Million in Sales . . . and How You Can, Too Million in Sales . . . and How You Can, Too, provides four tips for coming up with great business ideas:

  • Continually be aware of the products you use every day. Think of ways they can be improved. Be aware of the need or pain that could be provided by the product but is not currently being provided.
  • Go to networking events, seminars, and conferences. You might find someone with a good product or idea looking for partners. Read magazines and publications.
  • Intern or get a job at a company in the industry you are interested in. You will often see product ideas in your work that your company chooses not to pursue.
  • Find a partner with a business idea with whom you can join up.
great business idea

Steps on How to Come up with a Great Business Idea

Coming up with a great business idea requires a systematic approach. Here are the steps to guide you:

Know Yourself

Before you dive headfirst into the world of entrepreneurship, take a moment to introspect. What are you passionate about? What skills do you possess? What interests you? Your business idea should align with your own values and abilities. If you’re enthusiastic about something, you’re more likely to succeed.

Take the case of Michael Reagan, who previously won a Small Business Entrepreneur of the Year from the U.S. Small Business Administration. He took a 3-step process to find out what business he wanted, which included creating an exhaustive list of what he wanted and did not want in a business. This list guided him in narrowing down what business to start.

Market Research

Understanding market trends is crucial. Research the industry you’re interested in. Look for gaps or unmet needs in the market. A burst of knowledge about the current market conditions will help you identify opportunities that others might have missed.

Solving a Problem

Successful businesses often solve real-world problems. Think about the issues people face daily and how your idea can address them. The more effective your solution, the more likely it is to succeed.

Customer Persona

Create a detailed customer persona. Who is your ideal customer? What are their needs, preferences, and pain points? Building a profile of your target audience will guide the development of your idea.

Competitive Analysis

Analyze your competitors. What are they offering, and how can you do it better or differently? Burst into the competitive landscape with a unique approach.


Brainstorming sessions can be a wellspring of creativity. Gather diverse people and use techniques like mind mapping, SWOT analysis, or brainstorming questions to generate innovative ideas.


Don’t rush into implementing your idea. Test its feasibility first. Create surveys, conduct interviews, or build prototypes to gather feedback. A validated idea is less perplexing to invest in.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your idea needs a unique selling proposition. What sets it apart from the competition? Highlight this aspect to capture your audience’s attention.

Business Plan

Craft a detailed business plan. This document should outline the execution of your idea, financial projections, and marketing strategies. It’s your roadmap to success.

Funding Options

Consider your funding options. Will you self-finance, seek investors, or apply for grants? Burst into the world of finance with a clear strategy.


Build a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP). This allows you to test your idea realistically and make necessary improvements before a full launch.

Marketing Strategy

Your idea needs a solid marketing strategy. How will you reach your target audience? What channels will you use? Create a burst of interest around your business.

Launching Your Business

Take the plunge and launch your business. It’s an exciting step, but it’s also a critical one. Ensure you’re well-prepared and have all the necessary resources in place.

Adapt and Evolve

The business world is ever-changing. Adaptation is key to long-term success. Continuously gather feedback, analyze data, and be willing to make improvements.

In conclusion, coming up with a great business idea is a process that requires time, effort, and thoughtful consideration. Following these steps and staying persistent can increase your chances of turning your idea into a successful venture.


1. What if I don’t have any business experience?

Not having prior business experience shouldn’t deter you. Start by gaining knowledge through online courses, workshops, and networking with experienced entrepreneurs.

2. How do I protect my business idea from being stolen?

Consider signing non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) when discussing your idea with potential partners or investors. However, remember that execution is often more valuable than the idea itself.

3. Is it essential to have a formal business plan?

While a formal business plan is beneficial, especially for attracting investors, it’s not mandatory. A well-structured plan, even if informal, can still guide your business effectively.

4. What if my initial idea doesn’t work?

It’s common for initial ideas to evolve or pivot. Don’t be afraid to make changes if your idea isn’t gaining traction. Adaptation is a sign of a resilient entrepreneur.

5. How can I find investors for my business?

You can explore various avenues for funding, including angel investors, venture capitalists, crowdfunding platforms, or small business loans. Networking and pitching your idea effectively are essential in attracting investors.

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